
Thoughts and Musings from a Progressive Christian

Archive for the tag “Equality”

Tired of Awareness

Well, here we are again.

April is Autism Awareness Month.  What started as a good idea has become, in my opinion, cliche.  And I think it has lost it’s uumph.  Some of the latest statistics are either 1 in 88, or 1 in 50 kids will be diagnosed with Autism.  And thanks to the work of non-profit advocacy agencies, the work of awareness has progressed.

But here is where I have a difference of opinion.  It is time to move beyond awareness.  Don’t get me wrong, awareness is important.  But I think people are aware.

I know that I am.  I am aware of Autism. So are my family and friends, my church and my circles of influence.  We live and breathe Autism Awareness.  Not just in April, but every day and every minute of every day.  That is what happens when you have a kid on the spectrum.  And we are also acutely aware of how isolating, and frustrating the journey has become.

Awareness is not the issue anymore.  While our culture is aware of autism, our kids are still marginalized.  They are still separated from full participation in society.  They are still not provided the supports they need to excel, while “typical” kids are.

Awareness is not what we need anymore.  Acceptance is what we need.  And equality.  And integration.

Acceptance that kids with Autism are created in the Image and Likeness of God, and do not need to be fixed, but affirmed.  Acceptance that they need to be given an equal chance at success with educational methods and supports that build them up and encourage them.  Acceptance that they can fully participate in society to the best of their ability, when they are integrated into the workplace with jobs where they can use their God given graces, talents and skills.

I am also aware that I write these words on Easter Sunday, as an Ordained Christian Minister of the Gospel.  My faith tells me that today we remember that Christ rose from the dead, which among other things means that he defeated the powers of the world which would marginalize and separate people.  His was a ministry of acceptance, to which we are called to participate.

So, how about we change the conversation.  Let’s make April “Autism Acceptance month”, and really work for some change.

Because our kids deserve more than awareness.

Some Are More Equal Than Others…

You may or may not recognize the title as a quote.  Although I have not pulled out the book to double it’s accuracy before using it, suffice it to say that it is at least a paraphrase.

The “laws” of the time stated that all were equal.  Over time, some came to more power and added to that law that some were more equal than others.  So the rule became “all animals are equal, but some or more equal than others.”  Yes, I am thinking of Animal Farm.

Some are more equal than others.  You may be surprised to hear that I am not referring to marriage equality, even though it is THE hot topic today.  As we are all created in the image and likeness of God, I wish my LGBT friends experience the highest court in our land to be impartial in it’s deciding about equality.

And isn’t it funny how those who decide about equality are those who do not have to feel UN-equal???

Anyway, what I wonder tonight is when those persons–who are created in the image and likeness of God, and happen to have disabilities, will have their day seeking equality before the Supreme Court.

When will it become illegal to deny health insurance coverage because of disabilities?

Or how about those school districts which, when facing budget difficulties, cut intervention specialists, but not math or science teachers–or beloved sports programs–which adversely affects ONLY those kids with disabilities?

How about higher education which determines admissions based on test scores, when kids with disabilities test poorly?

How about buildings which are legally “accessible” because they have a ramp, elevator and a single “handicapped” bathroom, yet still can not fully be accessed by persons with disabilities?

All humans are equal.

Unless you have or love someone with a disability.

In which case you realize——-

Some are more equal than others.

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